Using Eco-Friendly Home Automation To Reduce Energy Costs In Your Home

One of the plus sides of modern technology, amidst all of the negative sides involving pollution, is that we can now more easily work towards a greener planet with home automation. Here are a few ways that putting your home under autonomous control can help make it greener when it comes to energy use. Automatic Temperature Control By using a smart thermostat and a smartphone connected to it, your house will be able to tell when you're home and when you aren't. [Read More]

The Perks Of Smart Windows And Lighting

There are so many new smart technologies that can make your home more livable. While some of the emerging technologies may seem unnecessarily futuristic, you will be surprised how many of them are actually very practical and usable. Home automation is a hot trend that will only become more and more common and affordable in the coming years. This article explains some of the most impressive and practical home automation technologies. [Read More]

Take A Look: 3 Ways To Care For Your Articulating Borescope

If you've recently purchased your first articulating borescope, you may not be familiar with the care it will need. Unfortunately, mishandling your borescope can cause it to break. To prevent damage, it's important that you handle it with care at all times. Here are three simple steps you can take to protect your articulating borescope. Follow Operational Guidelines Before you use your borescope for the first time, it's important that you read the operational guidelines in your owner's manual. [Read More]

4k Vs. HD

When hiring a third-party video production company, there are many things to consider. The cost of your video will depend on several factors, including the type of equipment used on the shoot. The size, scope, location, difficulty and length of the shoot are just some of the things that can affect the final price. For instance, if your shoot requires a bunch of artificial lighting, it will cost more. Similarly, if you require a final product that is the 4K format, you can expect to pay more. [Read More]